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Case Study

Site Utility Success Story

Mickie Service was contracted for a Large Site Project - including multiple domestic and irrigation meters, an 8" fire-only meter, a fire hydrant relocation - and a water main offset.

Municipality | Overview

City of Houston - Broad Scoped Site Utility Project


This was a complicated site with multiple service addresses and frequently changing water service configurations. As our most site jobs, time was short, and expectations were high.


Mickie Service worked closely with the engineer, surveyor, general contractor, and our customer to ensure that all services designed could be permitted and installed per COH code. We provided detailed "have/need" reports to ensure that all required documents were "assigned" to the correct owner and managed the submission process. As permits/work orders were released by the COH, we were able to coordinate with the applicable inspections departments, valve crews (for water shut-off), street cut/SCPS and mobility department to coordinate our installations/inspections. We then mobilized/de-mobilized as applicable to install - getting domestic water onsite was a primary objective - as was relocating a fire hydrant to enable driveway access. As we mobilized to perform one set of work - we learned about the job site - and were able to transfer this knowledge to avoid problems in the subsequent phases.


All services were installed per plan, without incident. 

Advice from Experts

Early involvement to help avoid foreseeable problems is very important. Having an owner, engineer, and general contractor - as well as the utility contractor, is fundamental, particularly in the COH. 

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